The magical city of Rome, dressed in its most beautiful holiday cloaks, glistening, sparkling colored lights and a myriad of iridescent shades – in anticipation of the most important holiday of the year, Christmas, and following it, the most cheerful and hopeful event, New Year’s. Plunge into this fairy-tale atmosphere saturated …Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day in Venice

GLESUS offers you a unique opportunity to participate in the most glamorous and chic event of the year: Carnival in Venice. Made all the more exciting when you consider that this year the most important day of Carnival falls on February 14, Valentine’s Day. What could be more appropriate than to treat your loved one …Continue Reading →

Shopping in Italy

Praesent vestibulum volutpat tortor sit amet bibendum. Nam laoreet odio sit amet libero consequat semper. Curabitur ultrices consequat purus, rhoncus consectetur urna condimentum semper. Morbi eget venenatis dui. Nunc sagittis velit eget vehicula ullamcorper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad …Continue Reading →